How to use Git Bash commands and Git Commands to host your code on GitHub.

This is a continuation of the Installing Git and Git Setup article.

The goal of this tutorial is to learn how to use git and git bash commands by creating a simple file and pushing it to GitHub using Git Bash and Git Commands.

To follow through with this article, you need to have a clear understanding of Git, Git commands and Git Bash commands, and have a personal GitHub Account. Here's a link to sign up for GitHub.

GitHub is a code hosting service for software development, collaboration and version control using Git. It helps developers and other collaborators to import and keep track of their projects, collaborate and contribute to projects.

Through hosting your code to GitHub, you would have used the Git or git command one way or the other. There are different methods of hosting your code or project on GitHub.

  1. Importing your project to GitHub through the command line.

  2. Importing your project to GitHub by initializing an existing repository.

  3. Importing code from another repository.

As a beginner to Git, we will consider the first two methods above

As I said previously, to follow through these steps, you need a GitHub account. Sign up here if you haven't. Login to your Github Account if you have signed up already.

A repository is essentially a project. It is a collection that stores every file including images, videos, folders, datasets and more of your project.

To create a repository, at the top-right corner of your profile page, click on the "New" option

A picture showing the New option, a green button seated just after the sort dropdown button

On the Create New Repository page, type in the Repository Name in the box provided

A Blank repository box with a prompt to insert your repository name

Created a hello-world repository.

Your Repository is set to public by default, that is, everyone can see the repository. You may choose to make your repository private.

An option of creating a ReadMe File is provided. A ReadMe File contains the details of your project. It helps others know what your project is about and what is included in the repository.

You may choose to create a readme file directly from GitHub after naming your repository by checking the box that reads “Add a README file” or you may choose to create one like any other file from the editor you are using.

Picture showing  the options to add a ReadMe file or git ignore file. This files may be created by checking the box or creating it directly from your editor.

Just like ReadMe, an option of adding a ".gitignore" file is provided, if it is not created directly from GitHub, it can be created from the terminal just like creating any other file. It is best practice to create a git ignore file in the root directory.

Then click "Create Repository". This prompt takes you to the repository page where a set of instructions by GitHub have been listed to assist you to set up your repository and successfully import your project to your GitHub repository through the command line.

On the command line, copy the URL of the repository

Picture showing the Repository Url. Copy the Url

In the previous article, I gave a detailed explanation of installing git and listing the basic git commands and git bash commands. If you are new to git, I suggest you go through the article first.

If you have Git, open the command prompt in Mac or Windows Terminal.

Using the git clone command, clone the repository by pasting the copied repository URL in step three alongside the git clone command on your terminal.

git clone

This creates a full copy of the hello-world repository data.

Change the directory on your terminal to the present working directory by using the ``cd``` command.

cd hello-world

Picture showing my terminal. Did a git clone {repository url} then change directory to the name of repository

When changing from the master branch which is the default branch in git. To set main as the default branch, you run git config --global init.defaultBranch main or simply create any branch name of your choice by running the command git checkout [branch name].

In this case, we tagged our branch Name as "hello-branch" so we run git checkout hello-branch in the terminal.

Next is to edit the repository and add files and probably folders if we want to the hello-world repository

In the previous article, we made a full list of how files and folders can be added using the Git Bash commands

Here, we will be adding an HTML file, a public folder with a CSS folder and a javascript folder. The CSS folder would contain the style.css and reset.css files. The Javascript folder would contain the main.js file. Then lastly, an assets folder with an Images folder and image files in it.

After changing directory by running cd hello-world, then we created the html in the repository by running "touch index.html" on the terminal, then created the public folder by running "mkdir public". Then changed directory to public to create the css and js folders by running "mkdir css" and "mkdir js" . After I changed directory to css by running "cd css" and created the css files by running "touch style.css" and "touch reset.css" . Then I went up a folder to access the js folder by running "cd .." and created the main.js file "touch main.js". After I went up a folder by running cd.. twice to access the hello-world directory which is the root directory.

In this case, I am using the VScode. The VsCode known as the Visual Code Editor is a source-code editor made by Microsoft with the Electron Framework, for Windows, Linux and macOS. It is an excellent editor for code debugging, refactoring, and highlighting syntaxes and it comes with extensions.

For this tutorial, we will be adding just a few codes to the HTML and CSS files and a demo image. You can choose to edit your code as you want.

With git add <FileName> we can add each file separately to the staging area to be submitted

However, for a cleaner code and to stage all files, we will use the git add . or git add -A

On your terminal, ensure you have your repository name as the current directory like mine.

Ran a "git add index.html" to add only the html file to staging area. Then did "git add ." to add all files and folder to the staging area.

To store all the files in the repository, the ``git commit`` would be used. Remember, you need to add a message with the ``-m``` followed by a quotation. The message should be in the present tense.

Did a git commit -m "add all files and folder to hello-world repository

Finally, push the committed files and folders to GitHub by running the command git push or git push origin [branchName] to send all changes made on the branch to the remote repository.

Simply did a git push since I created no branch Name.

Go on GitHub and check out the changes you have made by going to your profile page, navigating to your repositories folder, finding the repository you just pushed with the repository name, open it, all your files and folders should be in it.

After the first commit, you can make changes to the repository however you want.

You can check out a copy of the repository here

Let's look at the second method of importing your project to Github by initializing an existing repository.

Importing your project to GitHub by initializing an existing repository

So let's say, you have your files and folders with your codes in them seating pretty in your editor and you want to push it to an existing repository on GitHub.

This is because as against the first method of importing your project, you did not copy and clone the repository from GitHub and added files in it directly from the command line.

Instead, you created or built your project straight from the code editor. Now, you need to import this project to GitHub.

Step 1: Create your Repository

Step 2: Initialize a repository

Step 3: Add a ReadMe File [optional]

Step 4: Add all the files and folders to the staging area

Step 5: Commit all staged file

Step 6: Add the committed file to the repository by running the command git remote add origin <repository url> .

Step 7: Push the committed files to the remote repository on GitHub by running git push .

Like before, open your GitHub account to confirm and see your projects in your repository.

Viola! You are done!

Now you are familiar with Git Commands and GitBash Commands and you see how they are used to create files and import those files to Github with no hassle.

If you have questions or you need help, you can reach me on Twitter